Monday, November 7, 2016

The past 2 Weeks!

 We have had such a great time in Kindergarten learning about signs of fall and the upcoming presidential election these past two weeks.  During our signs of fall week, we studied pumpkins and leaves as signs of changing weather.  We learned the parts of a pumpkin and even carved our own pumpkin. We talked about the slimy pulp inside a pumpkin reminds us of our sins. We carved a cross on our pumpkin to remind us how Jesus washed our sins away. (He cleaned out the mess of sin.) Then we sang “This Little Gospel Light of Mine” to remind us to let the light of Jesus shine in our lives. We are saved by Christ alone. Now we live our lives in thankful service to praise Him for this eternal gift. Oct. 31 is special because on that day years ago Martin Luther wanted people to know that we are saved by grace alone, faith alone and Scripture alone.  Thank you for sending in the pictures of Traveling Martin Luther.  They make a great a great hallway display and will be turned into a classroom book soon!  If you still haven't sent in your pictures, you can still email them to me.  Thank you to our classroom moms for putting on a great fall party. Your children were so cute in their costumes, the photographers for team photos had to get a few pictures for the yearbook!

Last week, we studied the election by reading the fiction stories Duck for President and President Squid.  Your children learned vocabulary words such as ballot, election, requirement, voting booth, etc.  While everyone wanted to discuss their "political opinion," we kept our elections simple by voting on cats or dogs, strawberries or grapes, and duck or farmer.  They enjoyed using our classroom voting booth to cast their votes!  We also listed attributes that would make us good presidents.  Your children write 2 sentences that told what would make us good future presidents.  We completed a web of ideas, draft sentences, and traced handwriting pages of our sentences before completing a final draft for the hallway.